Background Remover API v1.0.0
This is a public version of the Background Remover API
You can authenticate using one of the following methods:
- An Api-Key header. For example, Api-Key: YOUR_API_KEY.
- A token query parameter. For example, if you want to make a request to a resource with URL /endpoint, you can specify your key as /endpoint?token=YOUR_API_KEY
Make sure that each request you perform includes your API key in one of the specified formats. Otherwise, the request will fail.
image required file
result_type optional string default image one of imagealpha
201 - Image upload for process
id optional string
filename optional string
source optional object
processed optional object
status optional integer
statusName optional string
image_url required string
result_type optional string default image one of imagealpha
200 - Image upload for process
id optional string
filename optional string
source optional object
processed optional object
status optional integer
statusName optional string