
Icons8 Search API v5.0.0

Icon search API documentation


Security definitions

You can authenticate using one of the following methods:

  • An Api-Key header. For example, Api-Key: YOUR_API_KEY.
  • A token query parameter. For example, if you want to make a request to a resource with URL /endpoint, you can specify your key as /endpoint?token=YOUR_API_KEY

Make sure that each request you perform includes your API key in one of the specified formats. Otherwise, the request will fail.


Search icons within elasticsearch (version 5)



term required string

Term to search by.

suggest optional boolean

Give suggestions based on the term, if results contain less than 10 icons. The suggestion is given in the "suggestion" field of response. If no icons are found for the original term, the suggestion will be applied automatically, giving search results for the suggestion instead of the original term. "isSuggestionApplied" in the response will become true in this case.

group optional string

Searching by group with an opportunity to use more than 1 arg

amount optional number at least 1

How many objects to return at most.

offset optional number

How many object to skip from the beginning of the result collection.

platform optional string

Filter by platform with this API code. Accepts a comma-separated list of platform API codes

category optional string

Comma-delimited list of category API codes

language optional string default en

Language in which to return the results

token optional string

Api token

authors optional string default icons8

possible values: "icons8" (only icons from icons8 designers), "external" (only icons from marketplace authors), "all"

authorApiCode optional string

ApiCode of icons author

isAnimated optional boolean

Include animated icons.

isOuch optional boolean

Return icons migrated from ouch

isColor optional boolean

Whether an icon is coloured

sortPlatform optional string

Platform to rank by

isFree optional boolean

Shows free or paid icons

spellcheck optional boolean

enables or desables spellchecker

allowExplicit optional boolean

should explicit icons be shown

replaceNameWithSynonyms optional boolean

replace name with synonyms in case of full match



200 - A successful response with a list of results.


success optional boolean

Whether the response was successful

parameters optional object

Meta-information about the request and collection size.

amount optional number

Amount of returned documents.

countAll optional number

Total amount of documents for this term and platform.

language optional string

Language in which the results are returned.

foundLanguage optional string

Language that icons were found by.

offset optional number

How many documents are skipped from beginning of the collection with all results.

term optional string

Search term for which the request ocurred.

searchTranslations optional object

Icon name translations for a hreflang from first found icon

en optional string

ru optional string

de optional string

es optional string

ja optional string

it optional string

hi optional string

fr optional string

pt optional string

pl optional string

ar optional string

ko optional string

zh optional string

suggestion optional string

A suggestion for a correct search term if a misspelling is found in it

isSuggestionApplied optional string

True if the suggestion was used in the search instead of the original term.

icons optional array of object

Resulting array of found icons for this platform and term.

id optional string

A unique id of this icon.

name optional string

A human-readable name of this icon.

commonName optional string

An API-consumable alias of this icon.

category optional string

A human-readable name of the category which contains this icon.

subcategory optional string

A human-readable name of the subcategory which contains this icon.

platform optional string

An API-consumable alias of the platform which contains this icon.

isAnimated optional boolean

Whether the icon is animated

isFree optional boolean

Whether the icon is free. Will only be present when it is true

isExternal optional boolean

Whether an icon is from an external author

isColor optional boolean

Whether an icon is coloured

isExplicit optional boolean

Whether an icon contains sensitive content

authorId optional string

id of icons author

authorApiCode optional string

ApiCode of icons author

sourceFormat optional string

Icons source format (png or svg at the moment)

sizeInBytes optional number

previewUrl optional string

message optional string