
Icons8 Public API v3.0.0

Public Icons8 API documentation


Security definitions

You can authenticate using one of the following methods:

  • An Api-Key header. For example, Api-Key: YOUR_API_KEY.
  • A token query parameter. For example, if you want to make a request to a resource with URL /endpoint, you can specify your key as /endpoint?token=YOUR_API_KEY

Make sure that each request you perform includes your API key in one of the specified formats. Otherwise, the request will fail.


Get icons

Get a list of all icons.

This request counts as a meta request.



limit optional number default 100 at least 1

page optional number at least 1

Page number (with this limit)

offset optional number

Amount of objects that are skipped from the beginning of the collection.

platform optional string

API code of a platform to filter by

category optional string

API code of a category to filter by

language optional string matches /^[a-z]{2}-[A-Z]{2}$/

Language in which to fetch results.

allowExplicitContent optional boolean

Include explicit icons in the response. Defaults to true

isAnimated optional boolean

If true returns only animated icons, is false returns only static ones.

token optional string

User API key

additionalFields optional string

Comma-separated list of additional fields to include in the response. Currently supports only tags.



200 - A successful response with a list of icons.


success optional boolean

Whether the request was successful.

docs optional array of object

Objects that have been received from the request.

id optional string

Id of the requested icon

name optional string

A human-readable name of this icon.

isFree optional boolean

Is this icon available for free (non-licensed) users.

isAnimated optional boolean

Is this icon animated or not.

platform optional string

API code of the platform that contains this icon.

platformName optional string

A human-readable name of the platform that contains this icon.

publishedAt optional number

A JavaScript-style timestamp, respresenting when the icon was published. This means that this represents amount of milliseconds since the Epoch.

commonId optional string

commonName optional string

API-consumable alias of this icon.

categoryName optional string

A human-readable name of the category that contains this icon.

tags optional array of string

Human-readable tags that are assigned to this icon.

subcategory optional string

API code of the subcategory that contains this icon.

subcategoryName optional string

A human-readable name of the subcategory that contains this icon.

category optional string

API code of the category that contains this icon.

total optional number

Total amount of objects there are in the requested resource.

limit optional number

Amount of objects that are returned in this response.

offset optional number

Amount of objects that are skipped from the beginning of the collection.

page optional number

Current page number (starting from 1).

pages optional number

Total amount of pages there are to traverse.


Get icon by id

Get a single icon by its id.

This request counts as a download request, due to the response containing the icon SVG source.



id required string

Id of the requested icon.

language optional string matches /^[a-z]{2}-[A-Z]{2}$/

Language in which to fetch results.

token optional string

User API key



200 - Default Response


success optional boolean

Whether the request was successful.

icon optional object

The returned icon object.

id optional string

Id of the requested icon

name optional string

A human-readable name of this icon.

isFree optional boolean

Is this icon available for free (non-licensed) users.

isAnimated optional boolean

Is this icon animated or not.

platform optional string

API code of the platform that contains this icon.

platformName optional string

A human-readable name of the platform that contains this icon.

publishedAt optional number

A JavaScript-style timestamp, respresenting when the icon was published. This means that this represents amount of milliseconds since the Epoch.

commonId optional string

commonName optional string

API-consumable alias of this icon.

categoryName optional string

A human-readable name of the category that contains this icon.

tags optional array of string

Human-readable tags that are assigned to this icon.

subcategory optional string

API code of the subcategory that contains this icon.

subcategoryName optional string

A human-readable name of the subcategory that contains this icon.

category optional string

API code of the category that contains this icon.

description optional string

A human-readable description of this icon.

svg optional string

An SVG representation of this icon.


Get icon meta information by id

Get a single icon meta information by its id.

This request counts as a meta request.



id required string

Id of the requested icon.

language optional string matches /^[a-z]{2}-[A-Z]{2}$/

Language in which to fetch results.

token optional string

User API key



200 - A successful response with a single icon.


success optional boolean

Whether the request was successful.

icon optional object

The returned icon object.

id optional string

Id of the requested icon

publishedAt optional number

A JavaScript-style timestamp, respresenting when the icon was published. This means that this represents amount of milliseconds since the Epoch.

name optional string

A human-readable name of this icon.

commonName optional string

A human-readable name of this icon

platform optional string

API code of the platform that contains this icon.

platformName optional string

A human-readable name of the platform that contains this icon.

description optional string

A human-readable description of this icon.

category optional string

API code of the category that contains this icon.

categoryName optional string

A human-readable name of the category that contains this icon.

subcategory optional string

API code of the subcategory that contains this icon.

subcategoryName optional string

A human-readable name of the subcategory that contains this icon.

tags optional array of string

Human-readable tags that are assigned to this icon.

isAnimated optional boolean

Flag indicating if the icon is animated


Get categories with subcategories

Get all icon categories, along with nested subcategories.

This request counts as a meta request.



limit optional number default 100 at least 1

page optional number at least 1

Page number (with this limit)

offset optional number

Amount of objects that are skipped from the beginning of the collection.

language optional string matches /^[a-z]{2}-[A-Z]{2}$/

Language in which to fetch results.

token optional string

User API key



200 - A successful response with a list of categories.


success optional boolean

Whether the request was successful.

docs optional array of object

Objects that have been received from the request.

apiCode optional string

An API-consumable alias of this category.

name optional string

A human-readable title of this category.

subcategories optional array of object

Subcategories of this category.

apiCode optional string

An API-consumable alias of this subcategory.

name optional string

A human-readable name of this subcategory.

iconsCount optional number

Total amount of icons in this category.

sharePreview optional string

Preview URL for this category. It is a relative path for main domain.

mainPreviews optional array of object

Preview icons for this category by style.

styleApiCode optional string

An API-consumable alias of this style.

previews optional array of string

Preview icon names.

total optional number

Total amount of objects there are in the requested resource.

limit optional number

Amount of objects that are returned in this response.

offset optional number

Amount of objects that are skipped from the beginning of the collection.

page optional number

Current page number (starting from 1).

pages optional number

Total amount of pages there are to traverse.


Get platforms

Get all icon platforms.

This request counts as a meta request.



limit optional number default 100 at least 1

page optional number at least 1

Page number (with this limit)

offset optional number

Amount of objects that are skipped from the beginning of the collection.

token optional string

User API key



200 - A successful response with a list of platforms.


success optional boolean

Whether the request was successful.

docs optional array of object

Objects that have been received from the request.

apiCode optional string

An API-consumable alias of this platform.

title optional string

A human-readable title of this platform.

fullTitle optional string

A more elaborate human-readable title of this platform.

isColor optional boolean

Whether icons from this platform can contain multiple colors.

size optional number

Size of icons in this platform, in pixels. For example, a size of 50 means that icons from this platform are 50x50 px.

iconsCount optional number

Total amount of icons in this platform.

mainPreviews optional array of string

Icon names for this platform's preview

preview optional string

Preview URL for this platform

total optional number

Total amount of objects there are in the requested resource.

limit optional number

Amount of objects that are returned in this response.

offset optional number

Amount of objects that are skipped from the beginning of the collection.

page optional number

Current page number (starting from 1).

pages optional number

Total amount of pages there are to traverse.